Cookies Policy

Last Updated: April 27, 2023

Castera uses cookies on and related domains and apps (the “Castera Service”). By using the Castera Service, you consent to the use of cookies. If you are embedding the Castera video player on your website, you should make appropriate disclosures about cookies to your users.

This Cookie Policy is part of our Privacy Policy Privacy Policy and explains:

  1. What cookies are
  2. What cookies are used when you use the Castera Service
  3. How third parties use cookies on the Castera Service
  4. Your cookie options
  5. Further cookie resources

1. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your web browser that allows Castera or a third party to recognize you. Cookies might be used for the following purposes: (1) to enable certain functions; (2) to provide analytics; (3) to store your preferences; and (4) to enable ad delivery and behavioral advertising.

Cookies can either be session cookies or persistent cookies. A session cookie expires automatically when you close your browser. A persistent cookie will remain until it expires or you delete your cookies. Expiration dates are set in the cookies themselves; some may expire after a few minutes while others may expire after multiple years. Cookies placed by the website you’re visiting are sometimes called “first party cookies,” while cookies placed by other companies are sometimes called “third party cookies.”

2. What cookies are used when I use the Castera Service?

When you use the Castera Service or visit a webpage with a Castera video, Castera or a third party may place a number of cookies in your browser. Some of the cookies will only be used if you use certain features or select certain preferences, and some cookies will always be used.

Each cookie serves one of four different purposes:

CategoryDescriptionEssential cookiesThese first party cookies allow you to use a feature of the Castera Service, such as: Staying logged inViewing a private video or albumMaking purchasesAnalytics cookiesThese cookies track information about how the Castera Service is being used so that we can make improvements and report our performance. We might also use analytics cookies to test new ads, pages, or features to see how users react to them. Analytics cookies may either be first party cookies or third party cookies.Preference CookiesThese first party cookies store your Castera Service preferences, such as:Language preferenceVolume preferenceHD mode preferenceAd targeting cookiesCastera does not support advertising so this category of cookie is not used.

Please also see our Cookie policy.

3. How do third parties use cookies on the Castera Service?

Third party companies like analytics companies and ad networks generally use cookies to collect user information on an anonymous basis. They may use that information to build a profile of your activities on the Castera Service and other websites that you’ve visited.

4. What are my cookie options?

If you don’t like the idea of cookies or certain types of cookies, you can change your browser’s settings to delete cookies that have already been set and to not accept new cookies. To learn more about how to do this, visit the help pages of your browser. Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or do not accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages might not display properly.

6. Where can I find more information about cookies?

You may learn more about cookies and how to opt out of them by visiting the following third party websites:

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our policies, you may contact us by email at