A Mac-Store Application

Backdrop Magic is a friendly tool to simplify your digital experience. This free app lets you create and select your favorite colors to fill your screen, helping you stay focused during video calls or while taking a break.

Key Features:

  • Declutter Your Screen: Use Backdrop Magic to hide distracting apps, allowing you to focus on important tasks or enjoy a clean workspace.
  • Relax Your Eyes: Reduce cognitive load by setting a calming backdrop during video calls or desktop breaks.
  • Free and Simple: Designed for macOS users who value personalization and focus.

Perfect for professionals, students, or anyone who wants a little more color and clarity in their digital life. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to serenity with Backdrop Magic!"

Download in the Mac App Store...
Backdrop Magic: Introduce Your Screen to Your Favorite Color!Click anywhere in the colored window to to a new color.Add as many colors you want and select them with up/down arrows.Position your meeting app in front of Backdrop Magic.Run Backdrop at the top, to clear your mind and enjoy your color!